The Untapped Power of Silk

  • How Silk Clothing can change your life

  • As women, we love to be both comfortable and beautiful. Yet often, comfort and beauty do not go hand in hand. If you've ever heard the phrase, “Beauty knows no pain,” you probably know why. High heeled shoes look wonderful, but hurt your feet. Sweat pants are comfortable, but ugly. It seems like you can't have both looks and comfort when it comes down to your clothes—unless of course, you're using silk as a material.

    A silk robe is light, soft and comfortable, while still being incredibly beautiful. If you plan to go out and show off your apparel, a silk dress can be as comfortable as wearing your pajamas in public, yet you'll only be admired instead of looked down on for your comfort. If you have a favorite dress that is itchy or uncomfortable, a silk slip can help you blend comfort and beauty seamlessly.

    That's not the only benefit it can provide however, a comfortable silk robe for your evening off has some surprising health benefits as well.

  • It's not just for looks

  • Silk doesn't just look and feel beautiful—it's also good for you. Silk is a natural fiber, and part of the natural components of silk are amino acids. These amino acids can help reduce signs of aging, such as fine lines or wrinkles.

    Many dermatologists actually recommend that you sleep with a silk pillow case for this very reason, so that you don't end up irritating or damaging your face if you happen to sleep on your side. Although you may not be as concerned about the skin not on your face, it can still benefit from the same treatment.

    Just by throwing on a silk slip, or wearing a silk dress instead of a cotton one, you are doing your skin a favor. Silk has also been found to help with those who have allergies, or skin conditions such as eczema.

    Silk is so smooth that it minimizes skin irritation, helping sensitive skin to feel more comfortable, especially compared to courser fabrics such as cotton. It's also one of the most hypoallergenic fabrics in the world, so people who tend to be sensitive and easily break out can find this clothing a sweet relief.

  • Silk is practical

  • Although it would be wonderful to not have to worry about the practicality of our clothing, one final benefit is that it is practical to wear. It can be gently washed, dries quickly, and is one of the strongest materials out there, which means it is unlikely to tear.

  • Slow fashion for a busy lifestyle

  • The fashion industry has come under fire recently for fast fashion that is loading the planet up with unnecessary amounts of clothing. It seems like you've hardly bought a new dress before it is out of fashion again. Our silk dresses are different from other brands because they are timeless, hand sewn with care. You won't find a better quality, and you'll be able to wear this same dress for years without ever feeling unfashionable.

    It may be hard to believe that there is clothing out there that is stunningly beautiful, practical to care for, but also extremely comfortable and even healthy to wear. Silk is all of those things. If you have been wanting a natural fiber for your next article of clothing, choosing a silk dress, silk robe, or silk slip instead of cotton or other fabrics could give you the comfort and beauty you've been dreaming of.

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